October 2013
Scent of Autumn
A Coffee with Neruda
Stygian Fields
First Needle Down
Timeless Days
Hold Me as Your Time
Autumn Arms of Sky
There are Slums of the Heart
Scent of Autumn
Evening cries to darkness
with sparrow breath:
a commoner with a flinty edge,
its bouquet of humus,
berry, and worm.

A Coffee with Neruda
a coffee with Neruda would have been
quiet I think - at times
yet his embers always thrummed
his peace
filled with observation
his tongue I would imagine
would wag the tales from our dogs.
a coffee with Neruda would have been
fruitless I suppose
I don’t speak Portuguese
we could only converse with our eyes,
okay for lovers
of all things save for words.

The last of this day
left stains on the sky,
iodine and scabs on gauze.
I can hear the sea,
a low sonorous growl,
a snarl in its curling lips.
the night wind has strange breath,
something sweet
something slipping from a bone.
jasmine - carrion
Endless sunset filled your hair.
the air was elastic
the first of this day was majesty
the harnessed crackle of a shuttle launch
the power of love in a smile.

Stygian Fields
In the chiral black
a hammer of froth
washes my heels
pulling at my toes
constantly reclaiming
an unwitting succubus
pulling back at life.
On another Earth
there might be no moon,
no tides,
or two moons
and great swathes,
mighty fists of water,
punishing seas.
I walk what is…
this new moon dark,
stygian fields
lit only by the cold breath of stars.
on another Earth
perhaps this heart is whole,
perhaps my grief is a vast unknown.

First Needle Down
the sky is rinsed
every lawn ghosting with dew.
I can hear the sea chumbling
still fierce and gnashing
from dawn’s fleet storms.
calico kicks
from pleats of her dress
her leather sandals rasping
on the sand between the cobbles.
She squeezes lemons and guava,
holding aubergine to the plank buttered light
as if to find the match of her eyes.
Anthony’s boy is late for a practice
shins barking with reckless impatience,
a bruise he’ll barely notice.
He has a grin and a glance
that will burn a hole
in Sarah Ruth Steinman’s heart.
Vince weaves through the morning,
a cockiness, sour in last night’s clothes,
soft leather loafers still shiny and whisper slick,
a faltering gleam in his once steady eye.
But the shadows are gaining
the greedy gulls whine.
the calico kicks
shins bark
the sky was rinsed,
yet every raven winced
as Vince pushed the first needle down.
Timeless Days
He was a child of December,
a water bearer’s son,
scalded by his secrets
walled away from the passions
that ate through the skin of his life.
He was a child of May,
a Taurean’s son
held rigid in her views,
watery fists that let me go too soon,
sluicing through the cracks.
He is a child of now,
an abandoned sun,
sifting through the scrabble,
and whatever is left of these timeless days.

Pastel-Series1 © Rayla Noel
Hold Me as Your Time
Take your time, hold it,
pick your perspective.
Have you lived enough of a life
to have the buffet?
Are you 20, 30, 40?
Doubt it!
45? Maybe,
depends on where you lived.
Depends on the block.
Each day the smorgasbord evolves.
Flash fried?
Slow roasted?
curried, a sauce reduced?
Take our time, hold it,
savor its tastes
it desires.
Hold your time.
Let it run through your fingers.
Is it sensuous, viscous,
coating you in flavors?
Is it whisper dry,
barren, weak, cachectic?
Grasp your time,
hold it close to your breast.
Share it, let others infuse it,
but never give it away.
For you have only
a finite amount - of time
I give mine to you,
Hold me as the light,
your light,
hold me as your time.

Autumn Arms of Sky
I am bark to back,
beneath their crispy scarlet sleep,
fingertips switching
a tussled clatter-dance
of gusts and failing sun
Smears of cocoa march the sky,
silhouettes of storm,
soldiers spent,
their last weapons levied,
anvil helmets askew,
fading to black, bloodied
in autumn arms of sky.
There are Slums of the Heart
There are slums in the heart
fine cracks where murder leaks out,
where chalk lines trace a dying soul.
beneath broken dreams
are rotting stairs,
views boarded up,
riddled by drive-bys.
their are soured walls
tattooed with neglect,
etched by re-runs of revenge,
mildewed with languishing regret
its alleys are slick
with old blood,
scabbed over, seeping…
courage leeched to brittle bluster
and a downward glance.
Thanks to John D. MacDonald for the line

I’m in the first breath of dawn,
still riding the mask of dream,
the final shadows meet demise,
silver threads…
the dissolving of morningside.
I lifted scales from the eyes of justice.
I unloaded all the villain’s guns.
I crusaded for candidate ‘The Hulk’
“Time to pound Congress a New One.”
‘Clean means GREEN!’
I took the boot from the throat of the middle class.
in the breaking dreams of morningside.
I am beneath Egyptian sheets
throwing them back… making love to you.
I’m listening to your heartbeat
ecstatic - complete
as violet kisses the wall
with the first breath of dawn
on the morningside.
Last night I solved a crisis
on an ocean planet near our galaxy’s core.
A star council convened and ruled in our favor,
- one censure - no starships - no witness tanks.
You took me in space - 'til we came
upon the morningside.
I’m walking down Asimov Key,
sandals gritting,
heron wracking their guttural cries.
A full Hunter’s moon is an egg
breaching birth across the channel,
as we all scream our existence
on the morningside.